Cat Hair -- Don't Leave Home Without It!

I never fancied myself as a "cat" person. Ever. I always thought of cats as sneaky, conniving, evil, dirty creatures. Sort of lawyers in fur coats.
Of course, that was before I ever was introduced to cats.
Now, I am proudly owned by two cats! (You never own a cat, they own you!) One cat was from a rescue facility and she chose me; the other was adopted from a friend and was only seven weeks old at the time. They both have totally different personalities and are both totally loving and devoted creatures. There is nothing as soothing at night as a kitten by your head purring!
I had to take Sophie (the rescued cat) to the vet recently for her yearly check-up. While there, I told the vet that I was having a little problem with Sophie. It seems that Sophie doesn't want me to be late for work so if I'm not up precisely at 6 am, she proceeds to make sure I get up! She jumps on me and if that doesn't work, she opens the inside shutters. Then if that doesn't work, she starts knocking things off the dresser! Unfortunately she doesn't understand the concept of WEEKENDS! Plus, if I sleep on my side, Sophie will wake me up because she wants me on my back so that she can lie on my chest.
The vet just looked at me and said, "Sophie has you trained very well, doesn't she?"
Excuse me while I go cough up a hairball.....
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