What Is Your Favorite ...

I got an interesting e-mail from my granddaughter recently. Evidently, in order to "get to know your friends," you are supposed to answer all these questions and then send them on to all your friends. I haven't quite figured out how that exactly works, since the only people who would get the answers would be the ones that you sent it on to, not the one that sent it to you, but I supposed teenagers don't think of that. Or maybe they don't care....
Anyhow, I think I'll answer the questions and see how I shape up!
- What time is it? 9:11 pm
- Name: Judee Lankenau
- Name that appears on birth certificate: Judith Lee Light
- Nicknames: Jude, Jules, Sweetie, Honey-pie.....(Not really, just wanted to make you puke!)
- Number of candles on last birthday cake: Enough that the fire department was called out....!
- Pets: Bonnie, Mia, Sophie & Shelby
- Hair color: Who remembers?? Only my hairdresser REALLY knows!
- What friend would have the most entertaining answers? Rob for sure.
- Eye color: Absolutely brown
- How much do you love school on a scale of 1 to 10? 12
- Birthplace: Logan, Ohio
- Current Residence: Columbus, Ohio
- Favorite food: Anything Mexican
- Been to Africa: Why?
- Love some one so much made you cry? YES
- Been in a car accident? Does running my dad's car into a ditch because I was watching a totally hot guy across the street count as an accident?
- Crutons or Bacon Bits? Neither; one word - cholesterol!
- Favorite day of the week? Any day not at work.
- Fave word or pharse: KOOL BEANS!
- Favorite restaurant: Chili Verde
- Favorite flower? Yellow rose
- Favorite sport: Is kissing a sport?
- Fave drink? Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper
- Favorite ice cream? Sugar-free chocolate
- Fave fast food restaurant? Wendy's
- What color is your bedroom carpet? The only carpet in my bedroom is a fine film of cat hair....
- Besides this one, what was your last e-mail? A dear friend of mine I haven't seen for years.
- Which store would you use all your money at? Half-Price Books or Microcenter
- What do you do when you are bored? Write stupid blogs....
- Bedtime? Depends on who is in the bed...
- Who will respond to this e-mail quickest? No one!
- Favorite tv show? House
- Ford or chevy? Suzuki!
- Favorite song? Abba's "One of Us"
- Time you finshed this e-mail? 9:26 pm
Well, that wasn't as painful as I thought it would be! If I sent this back to my granddaughter, I might just get a call from my daughter, don't you think?!
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