I think I've become a full-fledged shutterbug. I'm not really sure, since I'm not sure what that all entails.
Does it mean that I carry my camera everywhere with me, even to work? Does it mean that I always have a tripod in the trunk of my car? Does it mean that I'm never in any photos, just the photo-taker?
I can answer yes to all the above questions, so I think I qualify!
Photography is definitely my favorite hobby, and has been for quite a few years. I must have inherited the love from my father, who always had a camera in his hand, no matter where we were or what we were doing. I'm convinced that he would have been enthralled with digital cameras and would have had several by now. I caught his bug and have always been the family photo-journalist. Right after digial cameras went on the market, I bought my first and have never returned to film.
My son has a website and has allowed me to post pictures there. Check them out at:
I may not be a shutterbug yet but I think I'm on the right path.
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