Much-Needed Update...
Well, it's been a while since I updated my blog, so I guess it's time to update everyone on what's been going on these last few months.
The biggest news for me is that on August 23rd
I became, at long last, a college graduate! That's right, it only took me 41 years after graduating high school to FINALLY walk across the stage and get my B.S. diploma from Athens State University. Granted, it's been a long and winding road to this diploma but I have met a goal that I've had for many years. My degree is Public Safety and Health Administration. Unfortunately my family was not able to come from Ohio and Indiana to attend but my husband's wonderful niece, Ronee, and her husband came up from Birmingham and surprised me by attending! And my former office-mate, Tambi, and her family came for graduation as well, so I was really excited to see some faces that I knew. It really meant a lot to me! Of course, my husband was there but he had to be with the faculty group. Ronee brought her camera, so now I have pictures of the grand event as well, thanks to her!
The other big news, of course, is my knee surgery, which I had done right after graduation, on August 25th. I'm almost 11 weeks out now. When I first had the surgery done, I was told that for the first 3 months I'd wonder why I had it done and then after that, I'd wonder why I didn't have it done sooner. I think I'm almost to that point, but not yet! It's been quite a journey! I'm encouraged when I look how far I've come in these last few weeks, but I'm still not where I want to be and that's frustrating. Of course, my knee was in bad shape before surgery so I can't expect it to be perfect overnight, or even after a few weeks, but I wish it could be that way! One thing I would tell anyone thinking about total knee replacement is to not wait too long. I know that you can't wait too long for the surgery itself, but when it comes to the muscles and ligaments in your knee and leg, you CAN wait too long. I did. My knee did not straighten completely or bend completely before surgery and because of that, I'm having trouble getting my knee to where it should be now. Insurance did approve some more physical therapy for me after my initial therapy but it ends tomorrow with my last visit and I'm not sure what I'll do after that. I have to keep working at it, I know, and I'm hoping I can stay vigilant on my own with my exercises. I'm so worried that I won't, mainly because it hurts!! (I know -- what a baby I can be!!) It's been quite a trip. On the good side of it, though, I have lost 40 lbs. during this journey!
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